Friday, April 29, 2011

Second WikiVideo

This is the second video I produced for the WikiVideo project. It is under construction. You can help me finish it on The video is about the subject 'Things we should remember from 2011'.

It was so much fun playing with the movie trailers of Thor and Super8 in combination with Adele and Black Eyed Peas that it is actually not about 2011 anymore but more about mixing pop music with heavy video beats. I like that concept. So this video should evolve more into a compilation of stuff that happened in 2011 and we shouldnt forget. Send me samples if you have any ideas. Check for more info. You can also play this video in the HyperVideo player on

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First WIkiVideo

This is the first WikiVideo I made. Its about a simple subject: dogs. This WikiVideo is not finished, you can help me finish it on It is a bit of a mess now, but a funny mess!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

WikiVideo project started !

The wikivideo project has started! First I'll have to get used to the new workflow, but I hope to produce a lot of WikiVideos.

The WikiVideo project is a web-based, collaborative video sample project moderated by me. A WikiVideo is a collaboratively produced video collage about a certain subject.

The website is central to the WikiVideo project. This website allows everyone to add fragments from YouTube videos to the WikiVideo database. Anyone can download a YouTube ideo to the WikiVideo website, cut a segment lasting no more than 30 seconds from the video, add it to any WikiVideo subject and sign it. You can see the video sample enter my studio through a live video stream from a camera pointed at my workspace in the studio.

I create WikiVideos using these video samples. These videos are never finished, but will continue to develop as long as the subject is relevant and new video fragments are added to the WikiVideo database. We developed a special video player for the publication of WikiVideos: the HyperVideo player (more info:

It is also possible on the WikiVideo website to see the video samples separately from the compositions, so you can use this as a depositary of interesting video fragments on interesting subjects.

Because the quantitiy of videos on internet is so great, and their diversity so huge and ever-changing, it is not realistic to expect any single individual (amateur or professional) to independently create an overview of all these fragments and the links between them. Collaborative production can therfore lead to compositions that are richer and more complex than those produced by individuals.