Friday, August 17, 2007

¡Viva la Creación! will begin soon...

From 27 August to 27 September, you have the chance to work alongside Eboman on video sample compositions for the ¡Viva la Creación! event on 27 September.

Participation is easy: the only thing you need to do is to become a member of the JumpCut ¡Viva la Creacion! group and upload movies to YouTube or JumpCut, or music to ccMixter so that Eboman can remix this material with a unique and highly advanced video sampler. Make sure you give all your movies and music the tag: vivalacreaction. You can make remixes too. All you need is the JumpCut online remix tool (you can use your own choice of software too of course). Not only have you the chance to work with the material uploaded by all the ¡Viva la Creacion! participants, but with unique material from artists like Delic (Opgezwolle) and Duvel Duvel too. The maker of the movie that receives the highest votes in JumpCut wins the ¡Viva la Creacion! award: you'll be invited to produce your track with the Eboman video sampler.

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